Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Rough cut Feedback

- when the bubbles were going across the screen and the lyrics which matched the visuals of being in Wonderland.
-reference to Alice In Wonderland???
- notions of looking, looks very innocent - white dress
- mute sound from background
- try to match the footage with the sound
- pace needs to be sped up slightly
- more shots and cuts
- add more effects and colours to create a trippy background
- add more transitions
- remove blank parts
- some unsteady shots, lots of different shots, close-ups/record label
- good lighting effects
- reflects genre of the song
- more variation between shots
- too many close-ups
- costume suited style of song
- good use of natural light, with sun behind camera
- locations good, good use of leaves, and apparently the leaves looked dead
- pond put to use
- very well synced, strong performance, genre specific, well framed to sell the artist

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