Thursday, 24 November 2011

Anaylsing another music video

This music video contains some really great features to create a stylish boy band video. The Mise-En-Scene in the music video is very well used, the costumes that were used are very bad boy like and you would associate what they were wearing to a stereotypical boy band. There is also a good/clear costume change even though its small its enough to keep your interest. The lighting that was used in some parts was an effective part of the video it gives the video, it gives each singer there own individual stamp on the video. There are numerous settings which is a lovely thing to have as its keeps viewers guessing about whats coming next. You often see the roof stop setting used a lot in boy band videos or any videos which could be a bit predictable.
Goodwin's theory was used well used in this music video. The lyrics and visuals have a good match they relate to some of lyrics. The music and visuals are also very matched the tempo of the music matches the pace of transitions and flow of the video. All of the singers have met the demands of the record label by showing all of group members with close-ups and mid shots. This helps to establish who the artist are and help to promote them all which is really good. 
Sophie- U1-43

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