Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Gnarls Barkley - Going On

This is an R&B-soul song about how African people became exposed to foreign culture and changed as a result.
There are lots of short duration shots that show several male performers making fast movements and dancing quickly, which are commonly seen in the music video, so this could be considered a motif since it is used this often. The fact that the performers are dancing at a fast pace is very effective, as the song also sounds upbeat and lively, and portrays a cheerful mood, so this means that the music matches up very well with the visuals in this music video.
Some of the male performers in the music video are topless as well which means that, to some extent, there is an element of voyeurism, since some of the male performers have certain parts of their body exposed.
There are also several examples of when the lyrics sung by the artist matched up effectively with the visuals, such as when the artist sings the following lines/words and the actual words appear in the background:
gnarls-barkley-3.jpg- got to know, need, unknown, going on, leaving, cause, effect, journey, mind, gone, want, got to go, believe in, and "go it alone".


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