Sunday, 30 October 2011

B.o.B - Airplanes (Feat.Hayley Williams of Paramore)

Airplanes is an alternative hip-hop song with lots of black and bright flashing coloured lights.
There are two references to the notion of looking in this music video, which include a hidden lens in a mug that a female performer was peering into, and a camera that another person was looking into that had a lens.
There are many examples of lyrics matching to the visuals in the music video, which include the following examples; -
 1. "shooting stars" lyrics match effectively with the bluish-white spots moving in a black background, which is a reference to the stars in the night sky.
2. "fade to blackness" lyrics used as the lighting used in the background darkens.
3. "never call you back" lyrics used as a male performer makes a phone symbol with his fingers.
4. "had one chance" lyrics used as the actual words appear on a wall in the background.
5. "wish right now" was also sung out loud as the actual words appeared on a wall.
There are many short duration shots used in the music video which match with the steady pace of the music. The music portrays a mood which suggests that the artist is struggling or has doubts about herself or her life, and she is hoping that her life will soon change for the better.
A fade-in transition was used at the beginning of the music video and a fade-out transition was used at the end of it.

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