Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Analysis of magazine advert conventions

The codes and conventions of magazine adverts are:- 

  • - Using a celebrity to sell the product

  • - Advertised brand name used repeatedly

  • - Using a popular song to sell a particular product, so that when you hear the music or see that celebrity, you are made more aware of the product and therefore you may be more tempted to buy it.

  • - Using tag lines (slogans) which are commonly associated with your product in order to promote sales

  • - Using particular shot styles such as a close-up on the face of the person, and making it so that your artist is positioned in a particular part of the magazine advert cover, are ways in which the artist and the product can be better presented and therefore sales will increase

- Name of the artist

- Image or artwork for the advert (colour and font type will vary according to the type of music the artist specialises in)

- Links with album cover

- Release Date

- Tour Dates

- Websites of the artist and the distributors

- Reviews and ratings of the CD 

- Name of the album

- Where it can be sold

- Information about what is in the album eg format

- Where it can be bought or downloaded


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