Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Mise-en-scene Research

Key Factors of Mise-en-scene
The intensity, direction, and quality of the lighting have a great effect on the way an image is interpreted by a viewer. Light and shade used in particular parts of a frame can emphasise texture, shape, distance, mood, time of day or night, season and glamour. This also affects the way the colours are rendered, in terms of both hue and depth, and this leads to a viewer focusing attention on particular elements of the composition.
The representation of space affects the way scenes in a particular film are interpreted. Depth, proximity, size and proportions of the places and objects in a film can be altered using camera placement and lenses, lighting, and set design. This will effectively determine the mood or relationships between elements in the story world.
The clothes that each character wears are an important way in which the social class and status of each character is portrayed, as well as being useful for further portraying a particular mood in a music video. Using certain colors or designs can be very useful in films, as costumes in narrative cinema are used to establish characters or to make obvious distinctions between characters.
There is a wide range of different historical and cultural variations in performance styles in films. Early melodramatic styles, clearly indebted to the 19th century theater, gave way in Western cinema to a relatively naturalistic style.

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