Thursday, 15 December 2011

Analysis of Q1-11s Director's Commentary

From analysing Q1-11s Commentary, it was interesting to see how they used the idea of short-duration shots from other music videos they'd seen, and used this concept in their own music video to appeal to their target audience. They also tried to express the emotion of the artist successfully using dark lighting, and used a close-up of the artist as a way of portraying how miserable the artist is at a time when he feels particularly vulnerable.
They have also clearly stated how they learned about what was necessary to improve their 3 products, using PhotoShop effectively to alter the colours of the 3 parts of their promotional package to express the strong emotions of the artist in the best way possible.
In conclusion, I would say that this group stated their ideas and presented them well.
However, I think the commentary could have been better if they had mentioned particular shots in their music video, their magazine advert and digi-pak and showed more of them in the commentary to give more examples of the changes they made, and how they helped to make the 3 parts of the package more appealing to their target audience.

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