Friday, 30 September 2011

VMA Evaluations

Sophie and Janna:

MTV-VMA Awards- Best male video
Justin Bieber - winner
Bruno Mars
Cee Lo Green
Eminem ft Rihanna
Kanye West ft Rihanna

Our winner is Eminem Ft Rihanna- Love the way you lie
We have chosen Eminem’s video not only for its visual effects but also because of its meaningful lyrics, which could relate to many listeners. Its compelling yet realistic storyline draws in the audience as they may feel a personal connection with the lyrics. This video is also very visually dynamic with the burning house and the use of different settings throughout the video eg multiple rooms and outside settings. There are many different shot types including close ups of the actors to get their full emotion across to the listeners, this type of shot can allow the audience to have a stronger connection with the video as it may feel as if they are in the frame.
The visuals are acting out the lyrics, which is another thing we found really impressive about the music video. Not only is there a story being told, but you still get a variety of shots like mid shot, long shot and birds eye view shots of the artists that are singing the songs. All of these different shots allow you to see different locations and emotions of the people within the video.
Costumes are a major part of this music video they portray the moods, emotions and feelings in the video. 

Jolyon and Alex:

Black and Yellow – Wiz Khalifa
I believe this video should win Best New Artist Music Video Award due to the following reasons:
1.    There are regular close-ups of the artist. This is typical of a conventional hip-hop genre music video as it makes the lyrics and gestures seem as if they are directed at the viewer, thereby making it more personal.
2.    The lyrics and visuals match well in many shots in the video eg1; a shot 1 minute and 10 seconds in – a person pushes the engine start button as he says “push the start. Eg2; a mid-shot 1 minute and 59 seconds in – the artist says “you know what it is” as he points at you with both hands. Eg3; long shot was used at 3min and 7secs where the artist says “black and yellow” repeatedly, with some of the people dressed in white when yellow tee-shirts were being spun around in the air.
3.    The upbeat music and visuals match well to fit with the hip-hop genre and appeal to the target audience.

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